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PA Breaches of the Oslo Accords

Hamas merchants of war steal and sell humanitarian aid, PA TV reporter in Gaza, PA editorial criticism PATV

Image Source:
PMW Website

This article highlights a sermon from a Palestinian imam, emphasizing the use of religious messages to incite violence against Jews, and examining the ongoing spread of anti-Semitic rhetoric in Palestinian society.

The main arguments of the article from Palestinian Media Watch titled “Palestinian imam in sermon calls Jews ‘enemies of Allah’ and preaches violence against them” are:

  1. Religious Incitement Against Jews: The article highlights how a Palestinian imam used his sermon to incite violence against Jews, referring to them as "enemies of Allah" and promoting hostility based on religious teachings.

  2. Use of Islamic Texts for Justification: The imam cites Islamic texts, including Quranic verses and Hadiths, to justify violence against Jews, presenting this rhetoric as divinely sanctioned.

  3. Preaching Violence as a Religious Duty: The sermon encourages Palestinians to view violence against Jews as a religious duty, urging listeners to take action in defending Islamic lands from what he describes as Jewish aggression.

  4. Anti-Semitism in Palestinian Society: The article argues that this sermon is part of a broader pattern of anti-Semitic messaging within Palestinian society, where religious leaders play a significant role in spreading hatred and promoting violence against Jews.

  5. Danger of State-Sanctioned Hatred: It highlights the role of the Palestinian Authority in allowing or endorsing such religious leaders to spread incitement, suggesting that this form of state-sanctioned hatred contributes to ongoing conflict and violence in the region.

These arguments emphasize the ongoing use of religious platforms to promote anti-Semitic violence in Palestinian society and the potential impact on the broader conflict.


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