The New Axis of Tyrannies vs. the West: A Mighty Clash of Titans


n the article "The New Axis of Tyrannies vs. the West: A Mighty Clash of Titans," Nils A. Haug presents three main arguments:
Formation of a New Axis of Tyrannies: Haug argues that a coalition of authoritarian regimes—including Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea—is challenging the Western-led global order. These nations aim to establish a new world order with themselves at the helm, believing that their combined efforts can upend America's unipolar global leadership in political, economic, and military spheres.
Religious and Ideological Motivations: The article suggests that religion serves as a convenient pretext for these regimes to assert their ideologies. In autocratic or totalitarian systems, there is an imperative to forcefully impose the regime's idea of religion or "truth" upon an unwilling populace, with the ultimate intention of establishing global compliance with their beliefs. This sometimes appears to be a "religion" of state supremacy.
Threat to Israel and Western Democracies: Haug emphasizes that Israel, as the sole democratic partner of the West in the Middle East, stands in the path of Iran's ambitions for a global Islamist Caliphate. He argues that the West, due to weak and compromised political decisions, has tried to prevent Israel from acting alone against jihadist threats. Despite nearly 4,000 years of challenges to its existence, Israel continues to endure.
These arguments underscore the perceived threat posed by the alliance of authoritarian regimes to global stability, democracy, and human rights, with a particular focus on their strategic implications for the West and Israel.