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Fatah brags it has more terrorists than Hamas


Breaches by the PA of the Oslo Accords

Fatah brags it has more terrorists than Hamas

Fatah asserts its dominance in the Palestinian terror landscape, claiming more terrorists, prisoners, and "martyrs" than Hamas. The article details Fatah officials' statements emphasizing their involvement and leadership in acts of terror against Israel.

Palestinian Authority official: Terrorists who murdered a mother with her 3 children “raise the morale” of Palestinians

Palestinian Media Watch reveals that the Fatah party continues to honor terrorists responsible for Israeli deaths, contradicting their stated commitment to peace. This report highlights specific instances and implications.

Palestinian Authority libel: Israel’s “next step” is subordination of entire Arab world

This article explores how Palestinian media and educational materials glorify violence and martyrdom, analyzing the impact of such propaganda on shaping public perceptions and influencing the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Palestinian Authority recognition makes 899 Gazans eligible for Pay-for-Slay

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has recognized 899 Gazans captured in the recent war as prisoners, making them eligible for monthly terror reward salaries. This decision significantly increases the PA's financial commitment to pay nearly NIS 60 million monthly to 9,750 recognized terrorist prisoners, alongside additional payments to martyrs' families.

Palestinians approve paying terrorists more than civil servants – PA official

The Palestinian Authority prioritizes paying full salaries to imprisoned terrorists and martyrs' families over civil servants, despite a financial crisis. This policy reflects the PA's stance that terrorists are more deserving of financial rewards than working employees, reinforcing the importance of martyrs and prisoners in Palestinian society.

5 Things to Know About the Palestinian ‘Popular Resistance Committees’

The Palestinian Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) play a significant role in the Palestinian resistance movement. Here are five key insights into their operations and influence in the region.

October 7 denial: Palestinian Authority lies led to worldwide phenomenon

The Palestinian Authority's false narratives about the October 7 Hamas attacks have led to global denial of the atrocities. The PA's propaganda accuses Israel of fabricating evidence, appropriates Israeli victimhood, and misrepresents hostages' treatment, fueling worldwide misinformation.

Palestinian Authority lies about October 7: Israeli hostages are “soldiers,” Hamas terrorists are “civilians”

The Palestinian Authority's acknowledgment of a terrorist responsible for multiple attacks highlights the ongoing glorification of violence within its ranks. This reveals deep-seated issues in the PA's approach to peace and security.

From the river to the sea is “a call for peace” – Palestinian Authority lie

The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) provides cutting-edge analysis and research on Israel's security challenges, offering insights into defense strategy, regional stability, and policy recommendations to strengthen national resilience.

Palestinian Authority will pay more to today’s Martyr for slaying than it will to October 7 terrorists

The article explores how the Palestinian Authority honors terrorists, detailing the celebration of the terrorist behind the 1978 Coastal Road massacre. It highlights the PA's glorification of violence, undermining peace efforts.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free; Fatah: “It’s either me or him on this land”

The Palestinian Authority official praised the PLO's alleged role in protecting Jews during the Holocaust, citing their moral commitment, while underscoring Palestinian contributions to historical events.

Does the Palestinian Leadership Represent All Palestinians?

This article examines whether the Palestinian leadership genuinely represents the diverse interests and voices of all Palestinians, highlighting internal divisions and varying perspectives within the Palestinian community.
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